The project adopts a multi-level governance perspective. Active participation of stakeholders and co-creation of knowledge is an integral part of TRADE4SD methodological approach.
Venue: ISSER Conference Facility, University of Ghana, Legon
CITY: Accra
8th of May 2025
Time: 08:00 AM – 5:00 PM
In case of troubles, please contact:
Dr. Ralph Armah
Dr. Emmanuel Abbey
Agri-food trade and sustainability policies for the future: What are the lessons for the EU enlargement?
April 3-4, 2025
LOCATION:Hotel Tirana International, Scanderbeg Square, Tirana, Albania.
Join us for insightful discussions, interactive roundtables, and networking opportunities with key experts in the field
To participate, please contact:
Jámbor Attila –
Drini Imami –
WORKSHOP (hybrid)
19 SEPT 2024
TIME: 9:00 – 13:00
Via Pompeo Magno, 28, 00192 Roma
Moderator: Anastasiya Bondar, Lumina Consult
09:00-09:10 – Institutional Greetings
LUMSA University, CREA (Council for Agricultural Research and Economics)
09:10-09:30 – Agricultural Trade and SDGs. Presentation of the TRADE4SD project: main objectives and outcomes
Prof. Attila Jámbor, Corvinus University of Budapest, TRADE4SD Project Lead Coordinator Download Presentation
SDGs and Trade Agreements: An Overview | Discussant: Prof. Giovanni Ferri, LUMSA University
09:30-09:45 – How SDGs are currently included in preferential trade agreements and how to apply the sustainability provisions
Federica Morandi, Assistant Researcher, CREA Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy Download presentation
09:45-10:00 – SDGs at a glance: measuring 2030 Agenda in Italy
Paola Ungaro, Lepoldo Nascia, Researchers, ISTAT (National Institute of Statistics)
10:00-10:15 – Discussion
10:15-10:30 – Q&A
10:25-10:45 – Coffee Break
TRADE4SD – The global food value chains | Discussant: Livia Amidani Aliberti, theAgricult
10:45-11:00 – A preliminary analysis of the tea value chain in Vietnam
Ilenia Manetti, Researcher, CREA Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy Download Presentation
11:00-11:15 – Cacao: the case of Ghana
Ralph Armah, Researcher, Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), Ghana Download presentation
11:15-11:30 – The EU laws making an impact: the EU deforestation-free products Regulation
Gaia Angelini, Lumina Consult Download Presentation
11:30-11:45 -Discussion
11:45-12:00 – Q&A
Sustainability and Trade Agreemements: from theory to practice | Discussant: Corrado Finardi, CropLife Europe
12:00-12:15 – SPS measures: antibiotics resistance; pesticides in the value chain. How to measure sustainability and impacts on international markets
Felicetta Carillo, Federica Demaria, Researchers, CREA Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy Download Presentation
12:15-12:30 – Discussion
12:30-12:40 – Q&A
12:40-13:00 – Conclusions
Prof. Giovanni Ferri, LUMSA University
Hybrid Event – No previous registration is required
Join on Webex
Password: FYiA3jgmX33
Join in person: LUMSA, Dep. Law, Econ., Politics & Modern Languages; Master in Management of SDGs
Policy Forum Series 2024: Sustainable Trade & Agriculture – Coherence and Pluralism at a Politically Charged Intersection
19 JUNE 2024
ORE: 12:30 – 14:00
BSoG, Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Brussels, floor +1 Voltaire meeting room
The sixth session will delve into the intricate relationship between EU trade policies and its agricultural directives. It will assess the effectiveness of the EU’s international collaborations, enacted through both bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, in supporting the EU’s agricultural objectives, including the advancement of sustainable agricultural practices and ensuring robust food security. This analysis will identify how coherent EU agri-food trade policies are with sustainability objectives and how successful integrations of trade agreements have benefited agricultural sustainability. The session will also scrutinize gaps where trade and agricultural policies are less aligned and evaluate the advantages and challenges of synchronizing these areas within EU strategies. Furthermore, it will propose innovative strategies and frameworks to better harmonize agricultural goals with international trade efforts, aiming to contribute to a more sustainable and fair global agricultural framework.
Invited Speakers
Mark Cropper, Senior Expert, DG for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
Jyrki Niemi, Research Professor, Natural Resources Institute Finland
Ralph Armah, Research Fellow, University of Ghana
Virginia Enssle, International and Institutional Relations Manager, Fairtrade Advocacy Office
Nelli Hajdu, Secretary-General, CELCAA European Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade
Panel Chair
Attila Jambor, TRADE4SD Coordinator, Professor at Corvinus University of Budapest
Registration is free of charge, but mandatory, via the form below.
Novel approaches and insights for evaluating sustainability of agricultural trade policies
23 MAY 2024
TIME: 9:00 – 12:00
8.30-9.00 Coffee
9.00-9.30 Opening by Facundo Calvo, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
• Introduction to Making Agricultural Trade Sustainable project – Mari Carlson, Co-coordinator of the MATS project
• Introduction to Trade4SD project – Prof. Dr. Martin Banse, Director of the Thünen Institute of Market Analysis, partner to Trade4SD project
9.30-10.30 Session 1: Novel insights to agricultural trade policy analysis
Moderated by Mari Carlson, Co-coordinator of the MATS project
• MATS multi-method approach with system dynamics – Ph.D. Andrea Bassi, Founder and CEO of KnowlEdge Srl
• Agricultural trade and Sustainability – Challenges to applied trade models and lessons learned in the Trade4SD project – Prof. Dr. Martin Banse, Director of the Thünen Institute of Market Analysis
• Q&A
10.30-11.45 Session 2: Bridging the gap between modelling and practice: how novel insights can assist agricultural trade policy making?
Moderated by Mari Carlson, Co-coordinator of the MATS project
• Introductory statement from the IISD
• Panel discussion with:
– Facundo Calvo, Analyst, Trade Policy and Agriculture, IISD
– Christian Häberli, World Trade Institute (WTI), University of Bern
– Prof. Dr. Martin Banse, Director of the Thünen Institute of Market Analysis, Braunschweig, Germany
– Sergio Rene Araujo Encis, Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (FAO)
Launch of the joint statement from the IISD, MATS and Trade4SD
12.00 Closing
Regolamentazione, politiche e sfide per il futuro.
ORE: 10:00 – 12:10
In presenza: Confagricoltura, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 101, Roma
Per partecipare di persona all’evento, compila il seguente form entro il 3 dicembre
Per partecipare online, collegati tramite Teams
ID riunione: 368 542 708 123 | Passcode: HJX4U4
Per la partecipazione online non è necessaria la registrazione
23 NOVEMBER 2023
TIME: 10:00 – 15:00
10:00 – 10:20
Setting the scene through introduction to the TRADE4SD and its sister project MATS
10:20 – 10:35
Linkages between agri-food trade andsustainability: Evidence from the literature
Attila Jambor, Corvinus University of Budapest
10:35 – 10:50
Agri-food trade policies and sustainability:Lessons learned so far
Federica DeMaria, CREA
10:50 – 11:05
Modelling agri-food trade and sustainability:What we have learned from the models?
Martin Banse, Thuenen Institute
11:05 – 11:20
Public opinions on trade and sustainability:Evidence from a recent survey
Sophia Davidova, University of Kent
11:20 – 11:30
MATS in 10 minutes: Who, what, and when toexpect results? Underlining to whom i.e.policy relevance?
Mari Carlson, University of Helsinki, online
11:30 – 12:00
Strengthening economic and ecologicalsustainability: policy insights from an analysisof agricultural trade between the EU, Tunisiaand Egypt.
Sylvia Kay, Transnational Institute, TNI
12:00-12:30 – Q&A Session
12:30-13:00 – Coffee break
Planning future activities and dilemmas ofTRADE4SD, moderated by Prof. Attila Jámbor
13:30-14:00 – Q&A Session
No registration required for online participation
Meeting password: 7t8aXwjwzw2
7 FEBRUARY 2023 TIME: 13:30 – 14:30
Zoltan Kun, WP7 Co-leader – Trade4SD project,
Lumina Consult
13:30 – 13:40 (CET)
Prof. Attila Jámbor
Project Coordinator
Corvinus University of Budapest
13:40 – 13:50 (CET)
Patrizia Heidegger Deputy Secretary General, Director Global Policies and Sustainability
European Environmental Bureau
13:50 – 14:00 (CET)
Prof. Giovanni Ferri
Member of Trade4SD External Advisory Board
Director of the Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals
LUMSA University
14:00 – 14:10 (CET)
Roberta De Santis Senior economist at STAT
Adjunct Professor of International Economics, LUISS Guido Carli
14:10 – 14:25 (CET)
Q&A Session
14:25 – 14:30 (CET)
Gaia Angelini, Lumina ConsultWP7 leader – Trade4SD project
24 NOVEMBER 2022 TIME: 10:00 – 13:30
10:00 – 10:05
Zoltan Kun, Moderator of the Workshop
Lumina Consult
10:05 – 10:15
Prof. Attila Jámbor, Project Coordinator
Corvinus University of Budapest
Welcome and Overview of the Project
10:15 – 11:00
Dr. Ruby Acquah, Task 2.1. Leader
University of Sussex Business School
The Effects of Preferantial Trade Agreements on SDGs
Overview and Stakeholder Interaction/Discussion
11:00 – 11:45
Prof. Katarzyna Zawalinska, Task 3.3. Leader
CGE toolbox integration to handle environmental indicators
Overview and Stakeholder Interaction/Discussion
11:45 – 12:00
Coffee break
12:00 – 12:45
Prof. Sophia Davidova, WP4 Leader
University of Kent
Stakeholder views on sustainability
Experience from a Delphi exercise Overview and Stakeholder Interaction/Discussion
12:45 – 13:15 (CET)
Zoltan Kun, Moderator of the Workshop
Lumina Consult
Interactions, Comments, Suggestions
13:15 – 13:30 (CET)
Prof. Attila Jámbor, Project Coordinator
Corvinus University of Budapest
Wrap-up and Conclusions
Please note that the webinar will be recorded.
DATE: 08/06/2022 at 13:30 (CET)
Zoltan Kun, Moderator, Lumina Consult
Brief Introduction of the TRADE4SD Project and the Panellists
Prof. Attila Jámbor, Project Coordinator, Corvinus University
Understanding the linkages between trade and sustainability
Ms Eline Blot, Policy Analyst, SDGs and Global Challenges, Institute for the European Environment policy (IEEP)
Enhancing the environmental credentials of EU FreeTrade Agreements (FTAs) for sustainable development
Ms Tanja Buzek, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and Rapporteur on Next Generation TSD (Trade and Sustainable Development)
Setting an ambitious path for reviewing the EU approach to Trade and sustainable development in FTAs
14:15 – 14:30
Discussions with the Panelists and the Participants (Q&A)
Workshop online (internal meeting)
DATE: 11/04/2022
09:30 – 10:30 Introducing Exploitation Definitions of exploitation
Key Exploitable Results, exploitation v/s dissemination, the exploitation plan (plenary introduction to all)
11:00 – 12:30 ESS working group for KER1 Online session to discuss the KER1
further develop, fine-tune the Characterisation Table, the risk map and sketch the Exploitation Roadmap
12:30 – 13:00 Wrap-up and Final Considerations
Fostering the positive linkages between trade and sustainable development
Online Expert Workshop with stakeholders discussion
Date: 26/11/2021
Prof. Attila Jámbor, Project Coordinator, Corvinus University,Hungary
10:00 – 10:30 Overview of the TRADE4SD project
Dr. Ellen Huan-Niemi, WP1 Task Leader, National Resources Institute (LUKE), Finland
10:30 – 10:45 Relationships between international agricultural trade and sustainability
10:45 – 11:15 Discussion with stakeholders
Prof. Sophia Davidova, WP4 Leader, University of Kent, UK
11:15 – 11:30 Incorporating stakeholders’ ideas into scenarios
11:30 – 12:00 Discussion with stakeholders
Prof. Martin Banse, WP3 Leader, Thuenen Institute, Germany
12:00 – 12:15 Linking sustainability with economic models
12:15 – 12:45 Discussion with stakeholders
Prof. Attila Jámbor, Project Coordinator, Corvinus University, Hungary
12:45 – 13:00 Wrap-up and Conclusions
Hearing on “Economic comparison of the performance, viability and competitiveness of the EU agriculture (for main commodities) with the main competitors outside the EU” organized by the European Parliament – Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Panel II: Can the reciprocity principle in trade make up for a lack of competitiveness?
Date: 29/11/2021
Intervenes Annalisa Zezza – Center for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy (CREA) (from 17:50 to 18:00)